A hairstylist’s gift

IMG_0504imagecrocheted hairdryer

  • small: dmc petra size 8 and 0.75mm hook
  • medium: dmc petra size 5 and 1.0mm hook
  • big: dmc petra size 3 and 1.75mm hook

•each section starts with a magic ring
•each round starts with a chain(ch) and ends with a slip stitch(sl st)
•stuff as you work

start in black
1. 6sc into magic ring, join with sl st (6)
2. ch1, 2sc in each st, join with sl st (12)
3. ch1, *sc, 2sc* repeat around, join with sl st (18)
change colour (pink)
4. (back loop only) ch1, sc in each st around, join with sl st (18)
5. ch1, *sc, sc, 2sc* repeat around, join with sl st (24)

6.-9. ch1, sc in each st around, join with sl st (24)
10. ch1, *dec, sc, sc, sc, sc, * repeat around, join with sl st (20)

11.-13. ch1, sc in each st around, join with sl st (20)
14. ch1, *dec, sc, sc, sc* repeat around, join with sl st (16)

15.-17. ch1, sc in each st around, join with sl st (16)
change colour (black)
18.-19. ch1, sc in each st around, join with sl st (16)
20. (back loop only) ch1, dec around, join with sl st (8)
fasten off, close the openning

reattach yarn (black), work in front loops of the round 19.
1. ch1, *sc, 2sc* repeat around, join with sl st (24)IMG_0503

2. ch1, sc in each st around, join with sl st (24)

start in black
1. 6sc into magic ring, join with sl st (6)
change colour (pink)
2. ch1, *sc, 2sc* repeat around, join with sl st (9)

3.-7. ch1, sc in each st around, join with sl st (9)
8. ch1, sc, sc, sc, 2sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, 2sc, join with sl st (11)
fasten off

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15 Responses to A hairstylist’s gift

  1. Lysa says:

    thank you fot sharing really beautiful.
    is it possible to find the patern in dutch?

  2. Joanna says:

    Hi!… could you possibly post some pictures of the steps as you make the keychain… im still learning crochet, and wasnt sure if i was going right

  3. Portia williams says:

    I would l
    ike to purchase these items in bulk to give my clients for adverstisment

  4. Mary Romshak says:

    So cute for your stylist! Thank you so much for sharing your talent:)

  5. patricia king says:

    What is the overall dimensions of this piece. I’ve tried making it several times using size 3 crochet cotton (superfine 1) and 1mm hook and it seems bigger than your picture.

    • Uljana says:

      Hi, it’s a bit difficult to remember the dimensions. I can say that the size 3 cotton thread I’ve used for this project is 100g approx 280m .

  6. Thank you so much Uljana!! This is soooo amazing!! May God bless you more ideas !! This is so inspriring! You’re so creative!

  7. Lynne N says:

    A very clever idea for gifting one’s favorite stylists. Thank you for sharing.

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